How To Properly Secure and Move a Flat Screen TV
The evolution of the flat screen TV has made strides in the past decade. The units are stronger, lighter, more detailed and, can you believe, cheaper than ever before. Perhaps the only detail that hasn’t been improved is their durability. This isn’t much of a concern most of the time, but after you’ve disposed of the initial product packaging and are needing to move, you may be wondering how to properly secure and move a flat screen TV.
Preparing Your Flat Screen TV for Your Next Move
When it comes to moving your flat screen TV, you should take the time to prepare that move. Despite the reputed durability of today’s flat screen TVs, the best choice is to “baby” your TV to its new home. So, let’s look at a quick list of items you might need.
Do you still have the original box and packaging? This would be preferred, but the answer is usually no. The next step then is to secure a number of soft, padded blankets or towels. Bubble wrap also works well as a supplement to the padding but not as a primary padding source.
Next, make sure you have packing tape. A flat screen TV can also be moved without it but it does help to secure the blankets and bubble wrap as and when needed. Straps, rope or bungee cords are also recommended so that the TV can be secured in place during transport.
Transporting Your TV to Your New Location
Chances are you will want to transport your TV in your own vehicle. TVs are high on the list of favorite possessions for most, so it makes sense that you would want to see to it yourself. If that’s the case, then consider some of these easy-to-follow guidelines.
You will want to place your TV for transport in an upright position. This can be done by resting the TV between seats or up against the wall of a vehicle, if applicable. Next, use a cord or strap to secure the TV and limit its movement. Also, avoid placing anything heavy around the TV. If an unsecured heavy item shifts during transport, your TV might bear the brunt of it.
Unpacking Your TV
When moving, it’s important to keep your flat screen TV as upright as possible. However, once in your new location, you will want to place the TV face up on a flat surface. Gently unwrap the padding and cut away any bubble wrap as needed.
Now you can begin to reconnect the cables and set the flat screen upright on the entertainment center or prepare to mount it in the room of your choice. If you’re in the know then you can mount the flat screen yourself. However, it is often advised that you hire a professional to set the mounting bracket and flat screen TV for you.
If you’re still looking for someone to properly pack, secure and move your flat screen TV or other sensitive belongings, give us a call or request your quote online. Our trusted moving experts know how to get you packed and ready for your next big commercial or residential move.