How To Properly Secure and Move a Flat Screen TV

How To Properly Secure and Move a Flat Screen TV
The evolution of the flat screen TV has made strides in the past decade. The units are stronger, lighter, more detailed and, can you believe, cheaper...
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6 Pre-Move Hacks To Enhance Your Move

6 Pre-Move Hacks To Enhance Your Move
“Winning” is defined as “gaining, resulting in, or relating to victory in a contest or competition.” It’s a form of accomplishment, which...
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Downsizing? Tips for Moving Into a Smaller Space

Downsizing? Tips for Moving Into a Smaller Space
People downsize for a variety of reasons. A popular one is when children move out of the house for college or a career. Another one is when we age...
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Last-Minute Moving Tips

Last-Minute Moving Tips
Last-minute moves occur for a variety of reasons. Military families are well-accustomed to frequent moves, but they can also happen to civilians when...
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