Should You Hire Movers for a Move to a Retirement Community?

Should You Hire Movers for a Move to a Retirement Community?

Moving to a retirement community generally involves a lot of down-sizing and this can create stress for a family that is already dealing with a big transition. Therefore, consulting with a moving company is recommended. If the retirement community in question does not offer to move your family member for free then here are a few reasons why professional movers can make your move to a retirement community more convenient and seamless.

1. Decluttering is Crucial

Your move to a retirement center will involve a lot of questions that will need to be answered quickly. However, these questions often come quickly as the actual move is underway.  Obviously, the question of furniture and other large items will be considered well ahead of the move. However, packing smaller or sentimental items can slow things down a bit as there is a lot to consider.   

A good moving service can assist in sorting through items with family members. They can help to itemize and pack according to what is wanted, what is to be donated and what is to be discarded. If the mere thought of it all is overwhelming then keep in mind that professionals are trained to efficiently prep and then execute a move like this all the time. 

2. Leave the Heavy Lifting to the Pros

Unless the grandkids are involved, a move to a retirement community generally includes elderly family members and their adult children. Heavy lifting is not a popular choice among these aging demographics. Professional movers do it every day so be sure to lean on their muscles and know-how instead of risking potential injury to yourself or a loved one. 

3. Peace of Mind Goes a Long Way

It’s not just about efficiency, time and manpower. It’s also about making sure that your move is done right and that it goes exactly how you need it to go. That’s not always the case when you take on a move yourself. While you might feel confident about taking on the challenges of such a move, there are so many unexpected issues that might pop up. Scheduling, packing and furniture relocation come with their own set of problems. 

That’s why it’s a better idea to leave your move to the professionals. Moving pros have encountered and battled through every difficulty that can arise during a move. This is what they do every day. For tried-and-true movers your mountains are their mole hills. More often than not, it’s simply a better choice to look to the pros when it comes to your move to a retirement community. 

Don’t Make Your Retirement Move More Difficult Than it Needs to Be

If you’re looking ahead to a big move like this then give IMS a call. We’ve been moving Dallas-Fort Worth residents and businesses since 1991. This means our vetted and insured moving professionals have seen and done it all. Request your free quote today.

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